Coach Craig Perra, Founder of The Mindful Habit System ®

Craig Perra, former sex and drug addict himself, is world renowned for transforming the lives of people struggling with sex & porn addiction.

With success stories and clients in over 27 countries and 6 continents, Craig has made his mark as the top coach for professionals, executives, personalities and men in need of fast results and changes for the sake of their sexuality and relationships.

Craig has been featured on a number of respected shows and media outlets including A&E, The Katie Couric Show, Good Day Sacramento, The Steve Harvey Show and Lifetime TV.

Coach Craig Perra, Founder of The Mindful Habit System ®

Craig Perra, former sex and drug addict himself, is world renowned for transforming the lives of people struggling with sex & porn addiction.

With success stories and clients in over 27 countries and 6 continents, Craig has made his mark as the top coach for professionals, executives, personalities and men in need of fast results and changes for the sake of their sexuality and relationships.

Craig has been featured on a number of respected shows and media outlets including A&E, The Katie Couric Show, Good Day Sacramento, The Steve Harvey Show and Lifetime TV.

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Craig Perra’s Story

Coach Craig Perra

Hi. I’m Craig Perra and I know what you are going through.

And I’m sorry. It’s hard, and it’s heavy. I know.

Welcome to my online home. I’m honored that you’re here. I truly hope I can help you create the profound life change you seek.

My wife Michelle and I created The Mindful Habit® System to empower people to create great lives and relationships, free of compulsive sexual behaviors.

We wanted, or rather, we needed to create an action-oriented, goal centric, and structured alternative to traditional recovery models like talk therapy and 12 steps. Personally, I needed results in a big way.


I struggled with compulsive sexual behavior since childhood.

My journey began when I was very young. I experienced some wonderful moments as a child and also a number of powerful challenges. I was given up for adoption, raised on shame based sexuality, and exposed to porn when I was very young.

I was also touched many times by an older neighborhood boy.

This had a powerful impact on me mentally, spiritually, and sexually. I now had two distinct parts of myself. The kind, successful, loving part – and a dark, angry, hypersexual insecure egomaniac junkie.

My early childhood programming produced a lifetime of struggle – I lied and cheated on just about every girlfriend I ever had … and I watched porn … a lot of porn, which got more and more graphic as the years progressed.

I used porn and my other sexual behaviors to escape, numb, and cope.

Despite these problems, I still managed to create a very successful career in business and law. I’ve served in leadership and executive roles at multi-billion dollar companies. I’ve been a leader in my community sitting on the Boards of Big Brothers/Big Sisters and The Boys & Girls Club and other local charities. I was even written up in local newspapers for my mentorship of an inner city child.

On the outside life was amazing.

I married my college sweetheart Michelle and we created an incredible life for ourselves. We had an adorable Pekingese named Chewey and made two beautiful children. I had a life that looked like a success story, with a house, nice vacations, and a good job.

But I had a secret – I was broken. I was addicted to porn and sex.

And this secret, as you know, wouldn’t stay bottled up forever. Over time, these problems got worse and worse, the porn more and more graphic, the behavior more and more risky until it consumed me. I completely lost my ability to connect with my wife and I was a below-average father.

Things got so bad, I lost a brand new six-figure executive job at a $1 billion U.S. company – not because they caught me doing anything, but because I wasn’t getting the job done. How could I? I was consumed with sex. I was a pathological liar and hated myself. I was on the verge of losing my wife Michelle and my children. I hit rock bottom.

I was 39 years old… alone… I was out of control and I wanted to die.

At my lowest point, I made the decision to kill myself when I stuffed my face into a pile of drugs hoping my heart would explode. I wanted the pain and failures to go away so badly. I loathed myself. Fortunately, I didn’t really want to end it and I obviously lived … but these were my darkest times.

Boy in Depression

Unemployed and broke, I was at my lowest point.

It was so bad I ultimately checked myself into an inpatient facility for help with my sexually compulsive behavior and drug use (you name it, I did it). My pattern of numbing, coping, and escaping was over.

The gig was up. The lies were exposed. The mask was ripped off. Everything came out.

I was done lying. I was done living in shame.

I will never forget the pain I caused Michelle. And she was done. Michelle only stuck around to get me back on my feet since I was the primary breadwinner…

She had one foot practically out the door and started preparing for a life without me.

My family was falling apart and I destroyed it.

Hitting rock bottom altered my state of mind in a powerful way. Being fired from my job woke me up and opened my eyes. Watching my family nearly torn apart was the punch to my gut I needed. I vowed to do all within my power to salvage my relationship with my wife and to keep my family whole.

And I couldn’t do what hadn’t worked in the past. This wasn’t my first rodeo. This was the third time Michelle caught me lying about porn and prostitutes. I had already done 12 Steps and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. I had spent over $10k on therapy over two decades. And here I was at my lowest point. I had to do something different.

I knew I couldn’t do it alone.

I quickly realized that I had way too many blind spots and issues to navigate this journey alone. I needed an expert.

I sought professional help. I found a self-declared sex addict for a counselor; he had walked in my shoes; he taught me alternative methods of treating my behaviors instead of going the route of the typical disease-based 12 Step recovery programs. He did not subscribe to the traditional and old fashioned 12 Step, “I have a disease” model.

This is how my healing began and it was a powerful start.

I dedicated every fiber of my being to becoming that man I knew was inside.

I had all this potential and despite superficial success, I had been wasting it – drugged in a sex and porn induced stupor. But those days were over.

During this time of unemployment, I obsessively studied and researched human behavior, addiction, habits and any other behavior modification technique I could get my hands on – failure was not an option.

I lost my job, but I was not surrendering my wife and kids.

I vowed never to surrender again. I read everything I could find about human sexuality. I knew I had to define my destination. What was healthy sexuality? What did it even look like?

I devoured every different theory on sex addiction, porn addiction, hypersexuality, problematic sexual behavior and, as it’s now often called compulsive sexual behavior. I needed and learned tools and techniques and when I couldn’t find them I invented them.

I learned some powerful teachings that forever changed my life.

  • I learned that sex is powerful – that it’s one of the most powerful of all human desires and that I couldn’t keep it locked up in a dirty disgusting closet. I had to channel it and embrace its power. Either I controlled it, or it controlled me. It was that simple. I no longer saw it as a minor character defect, or something guys did. My sexuality was broken and I had to fix it and prioritize healthy sexuality for the rest of my life.

  • I learned that traditional recovery methods like 12 Steps aren’t very effective. Studies show that they have a very small success rate, even in the areas where they’re supposedly most effective – drugs and alcohol. I asked myself, “how could 12 Steps work for compulsive sexual behavior, if it wasn’t working for drugs and alcohol?” This doesn’t mean that these programs don’t save lives. They do. It’s just that our knowledge of this affliction is evolving and that better and more effective techniques exist beyond 12 Steps, and the disease based model of addiction. Some think it’s the only path to recovery. It’s not. Realizing this changed my life.

  • I learned that sex addiction or porn addiction is not a recognized disorder by the American Psychological Association… – Huh? Every professional I saw officially diagnosed me as a “sex addict” – no one mentioned any of the challenges inherent in this “off label” diagnosis. No one told me that a number of very well qualified experts in human sexuality have been vocally protesting the use of a 75 year old program (12 Steps) and the disease based model for years. I learned that there were other powerful tools out there that could help me move forward faster. In fact, The American Society for Sex Educators Counselors & Therapists (ASSECT), the leading, oldest and highest educated group of sexual treatment providers in the United States is on record stating: “AASECT 1) does not find sufficient empirical evidence to support the classification of sex addiction or porn addiction as a mental health disorder, and 2) does not find the sexual addiction training and treatment methods and educational pedagogies to be adequately informed by accurate human sexuality knowledge.”

  • I learned the scientific fact that my triggers were biologically hardwired and that they weren’t going away . . . wait … what???? What do you mean my triggers are biologically hardwired and that they aren’t going away? All that shame I experienced when I got triggered to act out after my therapy sessions wasn’t because I was a dirty disgusting scumbag? It was because I’m human. I learned that, since these triggers weren’t going away, I had to use them to drive positive action. I had to use my triggers to “hack” or interrupt my habit cycle.

  • I learned that I could get further, faster in my growth and development by moving towards the life I wanted. Instead of obsessively focusing on the life I was running away from, I started to obsess on the one I wanted to create and my progress exploded. Who was I? What kind of man did I want to be? What did I want to accomplish on this earthly plane? In answering and acting upon these questions my evolution accelerated … and I was happy … and hungry.

  • I learned that to break a habit you must make a habit – this is a scientific fact. Learning this helped me realized that I had to do something else. I could no longer obsessively focus on what I didn’t want to do. I had to take action.

  • I learned that mindfulness was one of the most powerful behavior change modalities on the planet and I knew nothing about it. I consumed myself with this discipline and my life literally changed. I could better manage my triggers, repel negative thoughts quicker and I simply felt better.And when combined with habits, these two teachings together are nothing short of revolutionary. When I realized that I was either mindful – living in the present moment, on purpose, without judging the dialog in my head and NOT automatically responding to external stimuli or triggers – or … I was stuck in Habitland – not being present, judging the negative self talk, living in reaction to my childhood stories and patterns, … and AUTOMATICALLY responding to my external stimuli – my life changed.

I consumed myself wit the study of these two disciplines. I used all these tools to repair myself and my marriage started to improve dramatically.

And I wanted to help other people going through what I went through.

I was at a breaking point, sick and tired of being torn between two worlds, where I had to choose between the nice, successful Craig, and the shameful, perverted Craig. I had had enough of the shame I felt over my actions and the secrets that I kept and had carried for almost my entire life.

At this moment for me, I couldn’t find anyone else to relate to what I was going through- especially couples going through it together. This entire experience made me feel so disgusted and so emboldened to do something to change it.

Before I could figure out what to do, my wife, Michelle, created an anonymous blog outlining our journey. She Called it, “Mishka – Wife of a Sex Addict” This blog is very raw and very heavy; I still have a hard time reading some of the content. It’s not an active blog but we keep it up as a reminder of where we came from.

Nonetheless, the blog grew more and more popular and suddenly we had people reaching out to us for help and direction. We were in shock; they were asking US for help? They called us inspirational and brave…I felt that my wife was very brave but that I was merely a broken man trying to piece together my life. My mind was blown by all of this.

We started an anonymous podcast and called it Sex Addictions & Porn Afflictions; it was hugely successful. We had thousands of listeners as we shared the experiences and practical tools and tricks that we’d strengthened along the way to help other couples who could use them in their path to healing. Couples were coming out of the woodwork, desperate for some concrete plan or structure, really for a pathway to get out of the situation they were in- preferably together. Michelle and I felt honored to provide them with a path.

Then Michelle’s powerful blog caught the attention of the Anderson Cooper Show and she shared our story.

This was terrifying – my wife was going on national TV to tell the world I slept with prostitutes and watched porn!!!! It felt empowering though. I was so proud of her performance.

This is when we officially decided to stop being anonymous – knowing that it would help more people … and it helped us immensely. We communicated and connected in ways that we never knew imaginable.

And around this time the counselor I was seeing saw a gift in me. He saw how I had mastered the concepts and how I was helping others. He told me that I had to dedicate my life to helping people – that it was my calling.

I spent most of my grown up years in corporate America doing lawyerly things so initially, this was tough to swallow. But I soon I realized he was right. I did have a gift. Michelle had a gift. And by now 10s of thousands of people had listened to our podcast and read Michelle’s blog – we had touched people’s lives all over the world. It was awesome. It felt natural, and it felt right. I found my calling.

So Michelle and I got certified as professional coaches and we started empowering men, women, and couples all over the world – and the results were miraculous. We were blown away.

People had often come to me after they tried everything else . . . in-patient treatment, counseling, therapy and 12 Steps . . . and despite failure after failure before they created powerful results working with me. And the word continued to spread.

That’s when Katie Couric Show called and we appeared together on her show.

This had to be one of the most terrifying and powerful experiences of my life. I was so excited to share my journey and so scared over what people would say. I was so afraid of being judged in my community, by my family, and by my friends. Instead of being judged I was embraced … at least by the people I cared about. Here’s a video of us on the show.

I’m so proud of what we accomplished. But the truth is we were just getting warmed up.

Things exploded when I started The Mindful Habit®

I had the audacity to think I could do better than what was out there. I wanted to create an action oriented, goal centric, metrics driven modality with tools and exercises and structure. I knew I had to create a system or a blueprint that clients could implement in their lives that drove ongoing improvement. Here’s where a lot of my Executive experience came in very handy. The Japanese call this approach Kaizen – continuous process improvement. And this approach has since changed the lives of thousands of men and their families.

I built a powerful system that moves men forward fast.

And this excites me to no end. It just blows me away. And I did it with my wife by my side. We are so proud of the support that we provide to spouses.

My life is amazing. I’ve worked one on one with hundreds of men in 27 countries of all different ages and cultural and religious backgrounds (I work with men of all faiths). In my group coaching program I’ve helped empower thousands.

And the results have transformed for my clients in ways well beyond not doing something. In addition to empowering men to break free of compulsive sexual behavior and to save their relationships … I’ve had so many clients that completely transformed their lives – I’ve had clients lose over 100 lbs, double their income, get new jobs, start new careers, take up new hobbies, be better leaders, fathers, brothers, spiritual leaders, lovers, and friends.

I’ve worked with executives, lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs, truck drivers, professional athletes, actors, students, IT professionals, engineers, religious leaders, law professors, factory workers, project managers, professional musicians, security consultants, soldiers & officers, therapists, and even a martial arts master – I am blessed. I can’t even begin to explain how amazing that feels.

I’ve been so successful that I even train therapists and counselors. You can read below what these therapists said about the model I created.

And The Mindful Habit® System has since changed thousands of lives.

I’m humbled and honored – every day I touch someone’s life and empower them to create healthy sexuality, to embrace their power of choice, and to create a great life. Over 200 men, partners, counselors and therapists have reviewed our work together on pubic review site Trustpilot and have rated their experience with me as Excellent. Click the Trustpilot box below to read their personal stories.

If you’ve gotten this far, thank you so much for reading this. I wish you the best on your journey and thank you for letting me share mine. If my story inspired you to take action and your sick and tired of being sick and tired call me right now at (877) 821-2940 or fill out the form below and I’ll contact you within 3 business hours.

The Time Is Right Now For Taking The Next Step On The Path Toward A New You

Contact Coach Craig today by calling him directly at (877) 821-2940 or you can enter your information and Craig will get back to you shortly.

The Mindful Habit® System is renowned for its innovative approach to overcoming porn and sex addictive behaviors. "It's a practical, structured system crafted to transform your behavior profoundly."

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Craig and Michelle Perra aren’t just experts in theory, they’ve lived this experience through and through. With Craig’s video series and Michelle’s Partner’s Survival Guide, every couple experiencing the challenge of porn or sex addiction can overcome this and take the steps down a new path.

The Mindful Habit System Is A Structured, Science Based Attack On Your Sex & Porn Addiction. You Will Learn:

Increased Self Control

Habits rule your life. Learn how to interrupt your habit cycle and respond to triggers in a healthy way so you have control in all areas of your life.

Higher EQ

You are a slave to your past. Quickly elevate your emotional intelligence (EQ) by diving deep into the patterns collected in childhood that drive behaviors today.

Your Unmet Needs

All your negative behaviors are a function of your unmet needs. Learn how your addiction is meeting these needs to get these needs met in a healthy way.

Create Healthy Sexuality

Your sexual energy is powerful. Embrace this power and build sexually healthy belief systems and actions to enhance your life in a powerful way.

Sustainable Results

Avoid the relapse trap. Learn to create sustainable results so you can manage life’s inevitable challenges and create a system that drives long term success.

Non 12-Step Approach

The disease based addiction model doesn’t work for most people. Instead of treating the symptoms, treat the root cause of your addiction to create life altering change.

Tools to Succeed

Learning about stuff is not enough. Master critical “life-hacking” tools to effectively respond to triggers, failures, challenges,. sexual desire, and negative self-talk.

Massive Life Changes

The cure is the aggressive pursuit of a great life. Learn step by step how to cure your sex and porn addiction by aggressively pursuing a great life.


Success doesn’t happen overnight, but it doesn’t happen with zero effort either. Craig has personally experienced the mindset you’re struggling with, and he’s living proof that turning your life around begins with the first step.

Craig Perra’s 12-Week Core Training Recovery Program lets you take your first step from the comfort of your own home, with the freedom of accessing his insights on all your devices. For those of you who need more time than 12 weeks, we give you a full 16 weeks to complete this program.

Verified Client Reviews

Not Only Experts, But Men All Over The World Recommend The Mindful Habit System


35+ Video Lessons

The same lessons I teach my one on one clients to teach you the skills you need to be successful.

Digital Workbook

The same workbook my one on one clients use to guide them through the program.

Weekly Webinar Q&A

Weekly webinars with Mindful Habit Coaches to keep you on track and staying on the path to success in your journey.

Partner’s Guide

Michelle Perra’s captivating Partner’s Survival Guide is an absolute must forstruggling couples.

Step-by-Step Path

Step by step instructions to guide you through the program with ease so you never wonder what to do next.

40 Exercises

Learn how to specifically incorporate the lessons into your life so you get results.

Sometimes you need to take a drastic turn to continue your journey, but you don’t need to take that turn blindly. Craig Perra has lead thousands of people, just like you, toward a more mindful life and a happier mindset. Join today for our 12-Week Program and get 16 weeks membership to complete the program.